Welcome to the March Edition of the Murtala Muhammed Foundation Newsletter.

Looking back on March together fills us with joy as we share the most rewarding part of our work at MMF: tales of restored hope, lives changed, and glimpses of brightness amid adversity. Throughout March, we set ambitious goals and objectives, and we’re excited to announce that, thanks to your invaluable support, we have achieved and surpassed them.

Dear readers, these pages contain news highlights and success stories that illustrate the impact of our mission. We are profoundly thankful for your tangible contribution to this remarkable transformation journey.

So, immerse yourself and relish the uplifting stories within!


Celebrating International Women’s Day, the MMF Way

March is a special month in the calendar devoted to celebrating women and advocating for gender equality. Specifically, March 8th marks International Women’s Day.


Under the theme ‘Invest In Women: Accelerate Progress” ” the Murtala Muhammed Foundation, in its usual fashion, has aligned with the global community to celebrate women who, despite all odds, have continued to break the cycle. 


Underscoring our commitment to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment, MMF’s commemoration of the 2024 International Women’s Day was characterised by holding meaningful conversations centred around the topic “Empowering Women for Global Relevance; The Why and How”. 


As we continue to make tremendous contributions towards highlighting how investing in women across all spheres of life will accelerate progress not just for women but for society as a whole, MMF called on its community to promote women’s inclusion and empowerment by joining the “inspire inclusion pose” trend across social media platforms. Highlighting the event was the shared picture and video of MMF partners, staff, and volunteers striking the “inspire inclusion” pose.

MMF continues to actively ‘work the walk’ of women’s empowerment as we record more success with the Women in Business mentorship program. Representatives from partner organisations such as the Ladies Helpline Initiatives and the Biodun and Ibikunle Foundation have shared impact stories based on the program participants’ feedback. One mentee expanded her business into multiple outlets, all thanks to the mentorship program. Another mentee now confidently creates comprehensive business plans, they remarked. Others highlighted the exceptional nature of the mentor-mentee relationship, emphasising the timely and meaningful conversations that foster self-improvement. As we persist in enhancing the capabilities of women entrepreneurs in Nigeria, efforts are underway to devise strategies to enhance women’s access to funding in vulnerable and marginalised communities.

Exciting News on MMF’s Women in Business Mentorship Program
Women in Business Mentorship Program MMF is gearing up to welcome new mentees into the Women in Business Mentorship Program. Applications for the May 2024 batch closed on March 23rd, 2024, bringing us one step closer to selecting deserving women for a transformative 12-month mentorship journey. Designed to uplift women in business and enhance their economic independence, this program offers personalized mentorship to equip entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge needed for success. Women have achieved remarkable milestones through the program, from supporting their families to reclaiming financial autonomy. With your support, we can continue to empower women as they break free from economic constraints and build brighter futures. Let’s pave the way for women and girls to unleash their full potential together.

MMF Scholarships for Young Women in STEM
African Women in STEM Scholarship In our ongoing dedication to addressing the challenges of marginalised children in Nigeria and emphasising education as a national priority, particularly in marginalised areas, the Murtala Muhammed Foundation has partnered with the African Science Academy to offer scholarships to young Africans. Our focus is especially on encouraging women to pursue studies in STEM fields. After receiving many applications from highly qualified students, we have closed the application process. Our team rigorously reviews each submission to identify the most deserving candidates. While our primary goal is to support women in STEM, we are committed to selecting the most exceptional individuals regardless of gender. Your support has been crucial in our mission to advocate for improved educational opportunities, and we deeply appreciate your continued involvement in this important journey.

Honouring Our Chairman: Former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s 87th Birthday.
Celebrating Olusegun Obasanjo at 87 At MMF, birthdays hold more significance; they’re cherished moments, especially when honouring someone as remarkable as former President Olusegun Obasanjo. On March 5th, we celebrated our esteemed Chairman’s 87th birthday, recognising his unwavering dedication to fostering national peace, unity, and development. Having assumed the role of Chief of Staff, the second-in-command to General Murtala Muhammed, following the coup of July 29, 1975, Obasanjo ascended to the position of Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces after the assassination of our Patron, General Muhammed, in a coup on February 13, 1976. Unlike prevailing trends across Africa at the time, he remained steadfast in upholding the regime’s goals and objectives. During his three-year tenure as Head of State, Obasanjo wholeheartedly committed Nigeria to the anti-apartheid crusade, providing diplomatic, political, and military support to freedom movements in southern Africa, aligning with Nigeria’s independent foreign policy rooted in Africanization and non-alignment. Obasanjo’s steadfast commitment to addressing poverty, social instability, and marginalisation has profoundly impacted our nation’s progress. The Murtala Muhammed Foundation proudly stands alongside him, reaffirming our commitment to his noble ideals and expressing heartfelt gratitude for his tireless leadership as our Chairman.

Nurturing Success: MMF Scholars Shine Bright at FGC Maiduguri
During the Program Officer’s visit to the Federal Government College (FGC) Maiduguri, MMF vividly demonstrated its commitment to fostering academic excellence and personal development. Interacting directly with our scholars, Mr Maina, MMF’s Program Officer, addressed academic obstacles head-on, offering tailored mentorship to guide them toward success. By providing personalised attention and targeted support, particularly in challenging subjects like mathematics and physics, scholars felt empowered and motivated to overcome hurdles. One scholar expressed, “The sessions with Mr. Maina gave me the confidence to tackle difficult subjects and strive for excellence.” Furthermore, MMF scholars’ cultural richness and talent shone brightly at the 2024 Commonwealth Cultural Day event. Four scholars from FGC Maiduguri mesmerised the audience with their captivating Fulani cultural dance performance, embodying the spirit and vibrancy of Nigerian heritage. Their exceptional dedication and skill showcased Nigerian culture’s diversity and reflected positively on the MMF scholarship program at FGC Maiduguri. Congratulations to Hadiza Mohammed Mari, Maryam Muhammad Kabo, Hadiza Adamu Yau, and Aisha Abubakar for their outstanding performance and representation as MMF scholars.


Prosper’s Journey of Financial Freedom and Business Growth

Prosper Ugbede, a nominated mentee of the Murtala Muhammed Foundation under the Mentoring Women in Business Program, shares her transformative journey towards financial independence as an entrepreneur. 

Prosper, the Production Manager of Familyspicy Nigeria Limited, which produces and distributes high-quality spices, struggled with poor financial management and its accompanying results before embarking on her mentorship journey in January 2024. Working with her mentor, Prosper has had 18 fruitful sessions, leveraging platforms like Zoom and WhatsApp to nurture their mentor-mentee relationship. Reflecting on her growth, Prosper highlighted how the program transformed her financial acumen, facilitating expanding her business into multiple supermarkets across Lagos.

“I’m truly impressed with the program’s impact on myself and my business, particularly in financial management,” Prosper shares. “Thanks to my mentor’s guidance on risk-taking and cost reduction, I’ve implemented measures to safeguard my business amidst economic challenges. Also, my mentor’s insights on branding and marketing have helped me effectively reach my target audience on social media.” 

Today, Prosper’s products grace the shelves of three prominent supermarkets in Lagos, a testament to the success of our mentorship program. 

Highlighting how eye-opening the mentorship has been, Prosper eagerly looks forward to showcasing her achievements and continuing her journey towards sustained business growth and financial success.

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