
Crisis, Trauma, and Counseling (CTC) Centre in Kano

Established in 2013, the Crisis, Trauma, and Counseling (CTC) Centre in Kano represents a groundbreaking initiative aimed at assisting individuals who have endured mental trauma resulting from the devastation caused by Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria.

Empowering Lives, Inspiring Hope

This center serves as a beacon of hope, empowering those who have faced unimaginable pain, grief, and suffering to regain their strength and lead fulfilling lives once again


The impact of the CTC Centre in Kano has been profound. Testimonies from individuals who have undergone counseling and support here bear witness to the remarkable progress made in their journey toward healing. Many have found solace, reclaimed their lives, and are gradually leaving behind the pain and suffering they once endured.


Your support can make an even greater impact. By donating now, you become a part of this vital mission, helping us reach out to more individuals in need and continue our work in restoring hope and resilience.

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