7 Jun

1996 MMF Annual Lecture

Home News 1996 – MMF Annual Lecture 1996 MMF Annual Lecture Theme: “The Military and Nigeria’s Political Transition Programme” Keynote Speaker: Prof. S.C. Ukpabi, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Nigeria Summary: Prof. Ukpabi examined the complex role of the military in Nigeria’s ongoing political transition. The lecture addressed the challenges of transferring power from military rule to civilian governance, the need for constitutional reforms, and the importance of building strong democratic institutions. Key Insights: The historical context of military involvement in Nigerian politics. The challenges and opportunities of transitioning to civilian rule. The importance of establishing a culture of accountability and respect for the rule of law. The role of the military in safeguarding national security during the transition period. Recent Posts 2013 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2012 MMF Annual Lecture  June 7, 2024 2011 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2010 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2007 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024


7 Jun

1995 MMF Annual Lecture

Home News 1995 – MMF Annual Lecture 1995 MMF Annual Lecture Theme: “The Essential Muhammed” Keynote Speaker: Prof. Adele Jinadu, former President of the African Association of Political Science Summary: Prof. Jinadu delved into the core principles that defined General Murtala Muhammed’s leadership and legacy. The lecture explored his commitment to good governance, anti-corruption measures, pan-Africanism, and his vision for a modern Nigeria. Key Insights: Murtala Muhammed’s enduring impact on Nigerian politics and society. The relevance of his principles in addressing contemporary challenges. The importance of ethical leadership and service to the nation. The role of historical figures as inspiration for future generations. Recent Posts 2013 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2012 MMF Annual Lecture  June 7, 2024 2011 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2010 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2007 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024


7 Jun

1994 MMF Annual Lecture

Home News 1994 – MMF Annual Lecture 1994 MMF Annual Lecture Theme: “Indiscipline and Corruption: Which Way Out?” Keynote Speaker: Justice Akinola Aguda Summary: Justice Aguda delivered a powerful critique of the pervasive issues of indiscipline and corruption plaguing Nigeria. The lecture explored the root causes of these problems, their impact on society, and potential solutions, including the need for stronger institutions, ethical leadership, and citizen engagement. Key Insights: The detrimental effects of indiscipline and corruption on national development. The importance of individual accountability and ethical behavior. The role of education and cultural change in fostering a more disciplined and ethical society. The need for comprehensive reforms in the justice system and law enforcement. Recent Posts 2013 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2012 MMF Annual Lecture  June 7, 2024 2011 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2010 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2007 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024


7 Jun

1993 MMF Annual Lecture

Home News 1993 – MMF Annual Lecture 1993 MMF Annual Lecture   Theme: “The Foundation for a Stable Democratic Nigeria: The Economic Dimension” Keynote Speaker: Chief Ernest Shonekan, Head of Government & Chairman of the Transition Council of Nigeria Summary: Chief Shonekan emphasized the crucial link between economic development and the successful establishment of a stable democracy in Nigeria. The lecture delved into economic reforms, fiscal policies, and the importance of creating an enabling environment for business and investment. Key Insights: The necessity of sound economic management for political stability. The importance of private sector participation in economic development. The need for targeted investments in infrastructure and human capital. Recent Posts 2013 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2012 MMF Annual Lecture  June 7, 2024 2011 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2010 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2007 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024


7 Jun

1992 MMF Annual Lecture

Home News 1992 – MMF Annual Lecture 1992 MMF Annual Lecture          1992 Theme: “Nigeria of Our Vision” Keynote Speaker: General Sani Abacha, Chief of Defense Staff & Defense Minister Summary: General Abacha outlined his vision for a prosperous and united Nigeria. The lecture explored the nation’s security challenges, economic development strategies, and the importance of a strong military in safeguarding the nation’s future. Key Insights: The need for national unity and security. The importance of economic diversification and self-sufficiency. The role of the armed forces in maintaining peace and stability. Recent Posts 2013 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2012 MMF Annual Lecture  June 7, 2024 2011 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2010 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2007 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024


7 Jun

1991 MMF Annual Lecture 

Home News 1991 – MMF Annual Lecture  1991 MMF Annual Lecture              1991 Theme: “We Have Kept Faith” Keynote Speaker: General Ibrahim Babangida, Head of State, Federal Republic of Nigeria Summary: In this inaugural lecture, General Babangida addressed the challenges and opportunities facing Nigeria’s national development, with a focus on the importance of regional integration in Africa. He emphasized the government’s commitment to economic reform and social progress. Key Insights: Nigeria’s role as a regional leader in Africa. The necessity of economic reforms to unlock the nation’s potential. The importance of national unity and social cohesion. Recent Posts 2013 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2012 MMF Annual Lecture  June 7, 2024 2011 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2010 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024 2007 MMF Annual Lecture June 7, 2024

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