Women Empowerment and Capacity Development

At the Murtala Muhammed Foundation (MMF), we believe in the power of women’s empowerment and capacity development. We offer robust and content-specific programs that span across all our thematic areas, with a primary focus on entrepreneurship, livelihood, and digital literacy. Our goal is to equip women with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s rapidly evolving, technology-driven world.

Empowering Women in Careers and Business

Through our capacity development initiatives, we empower women to excel in both their careers and entrepreneurial endeavors. We foster interactive learning environments by adopting a practical and participatory approach, facilitating meaningful interactions between instructors and participants.

Promoting STEM Education for Girls

As part of our commitment to gender equality and inclusivity, we provide training in digital literacy and support girls interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In 2008 and 2010, MMF established computer laboratories in female high schools and women’s centers in Kano state. We continued this effort by developing computer laboratories in various female secondary schools in Benin City and Jalingo.

Capacity Development for Women (2016)

In 2016, we partnered with the Kano state government to empower women in rural areas with clean energy solutions through solar lamps.


The beneficiaries received training and low-cost solar lamps, which significantly improved lighting in their rural communities.

Capacity Development for Women (2018)

In 2018, MMF organized capacity development training for a diverse group of women entrepreneurs. This training was facilitated by a resource person from General Electric (GE Africa).


Approximately 400 women participated in this training, along with support from the Lagos state employment trust fund and a commercial bank in Nigeria. The program provided participants with valuable economic and financial insights to enhance their business ventures.

To delve deeper into our capacity development programs for women, we invite you to explore our dedicated section on Capacity Development for Women.

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