2011 MMF Annual Lecture

Theme: Public Policy and Governance: 2011 and Beyond – Policy Dialogue with Presidential Candidates



– Policy dialogue with presidential candidates covering key areas: economy, governance, infrastructure, human capital development, security, and international relations.



  • – Discuss developmental challenges facing Nigeria.
  • – Present and scrutinize policy positions of presidential candidates.


### Public Policy and Governance: 2011 and Beyond – Policy Dialogue with Presidential Candidates


2011 was a significant election year for Nigeria, marking another pivotal moment in the nation’s democratic journey. As Nigeria prepared to elect new leaders, the Murtala Muhammed Foundation emphasized the importance of strengthening the electoral process and upholding democratic values. Historically, Nigeria’s electoral process dates back to the pre-independence era, with notable elections such as the 1920 Lagos Town Council election and the 1923 general elections.


Recognizing the crucial link between electoral processes and governance outcomes, the Foundation aimed to contribute to good governance by organizing a policy dialogue with presidential candidates. The 2011 election, initially scheduled for January, was postponed to April due to the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) request for more time to implement a new national electoral voter register and electronic voter registration software. This postponement highlighted the need for improved electoral infrastructure and processes.


  Security Concerns:  

The dialogue also addressed significant security challenges, including insurgent activities in the northeast, militancy in the Niger Delta, and widespread incidents of kidnapping and violence. These issues underscored the governance challenges facing Nigeria and their impact on national development.


  Bad Governance as a Developmental Obstacle:  

The Foundation acknowledged that bad governance is a major obstacle to development in Africa, including Nigeria. However, achieving good governance is possible with concerted efforts to improve institutions and governance processes. The emergence of leaders through a credible political process is essential for positive governance outcomes.


  Policy Dialogue Objectives:  

The policy dialogue brought together presidential candidates from various political parties to discuss developmental challenges and present their policy positions. The event aimed to promote issue-based campaigns and voting, fostering candidate-citizen engagement. Emphasizing the importance of peaceful elections, the dialogue encouraged candidates to commit to peaceful conduct irrespective of their political differences.


  Event Details:  

The 3-day policy dialogue, held in Lagos from March 8 to 9, featured presidential candidates from different political parties. The discussions covered critical areas such as the economy, governance, infrastructure, human capital development, security, and international relations. The event was moderated by Nn’emeka Maduegbuna, CEO/Chairman of C&F Porter Novelli, and featured a panel of esteemed experts, including:


– Dr. Reuben Abati (Guardian Newspaper, Consolex Legal Practitioners)

– Dr. Chidi Odinkalu (Justice Initiative, Senior Legal Officer)

– Dr. Jibrin Ibrahim (Centre for Democracy and Development, Director)

– Mrs. Ayo Obe (Ogunsola Shonibare Legal Practitioners and Notaries Public, Partner)

– Dr. Folarin Gbadebo-Smith (Centre for Public Policy Alternatives, Director)

– Dr. Fatima Akilu (Leadership Newspaper, Chairman/Editorial Board)

– Dr. Yusufu Pam (JY Pam and Company, Partner)


  Pre-Event Activities:  

– Arrival of out-of-town guests.

– Pre-conference dinner.

– Keynote speech by Dr. Abdul Raufu Mustapha.



– Dr. Osita Agbu

– Dr. Omobowale

– Sharkdam Wapmuk



The policy dialogue highlighted the importance of engaging citizens and candidates in meaningful discussions on national issues. Such dialogues and election debates contribute to good governance by promoting transparency, accountability, and informed voting. The Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s initiative provided a valuable platform for enhancing Nigeria’s democratic process and governance.


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