2012 MMF Annual Lecture 

Theme: “Public Policy and Governance: 2011 and Be Beyond A Roadmap for Change and Nigeria’s Economic Development”

Keynote Speaker: Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, CFR, Governor of the CBN


policy dialogue focusing on economic policies and issues.


Provide issue-based solutions and policy options for economic challenges.

Address banking sector reforms and economic development.

  Partners and Sponsors:   Not specified.

Public Policy and Governance: 2011 and Beyond: A Roadmap for Change and Nigeria’s Economic Development

The 2012 Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s policy dialogue concentrated on addressing Nigeria’s economic challenges. The event convened economic and financial experts to examine current issues and propose actionable solutions for economic advancement.

Economic Context:  

In 2012, Nigeria faced several economic difficulties, influenced by both local and international factors. The devastating floods that affected multiple states had a significant negative impact on the economy. Economic growth slowed to below seven percent, largely due to reduced activities in the non-oil sector, especially agriculture, wholesale, and retail trade. Additionally, the ongoing insurgency in northern Nigeria further hindered economic progress.

Policy Dialogue Objectives:

The Foundation aimed to contribute to economic solutions by hosting a policy dialogue that brought together experts and technocrats. The dialogue sought to mitigate the negative impacts on the economy and restore growth. The event was held on February 15, 2012, at the Shehu Musa Yar’Adua Centre, Abuja, with a preceding discussion dinner on February 14 at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel.

Event Details:  

The theme for the event was “Public Policy and Governance: 2011 and Beyond: A Roadmap for Change and Nigeria’s Economic Development.” It facilitated quality interactions between experts in banking, finance, the economy, and investment and stakeholders from these sectors. The aim was to enhance transparency, integrity, and accountability in government, fostering discussions that could lead to stronger economic development, increased foreign direct investment (FDI), higher employment rates, and improved living standards for Nigerians.

Key Speakers:  

–   Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi:   Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria

–   Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede:   Managing Director/Chief Executive of Access Bank Group

–   Mr. Bismarck J. Rewane:   Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Financial Derivatives Company Limited

Discussion Points:  

The dialogue addressed critical economic issues including:

– Banking sector reforms and their impact on the Nigerian economy.

– Financial reforms and internal economic development.

– The influence of the global economy on Nigeria.

– Job creation and economic growth strategies.

– Monetary policy and management.

– Current monetary reforms.

– International relations and FDI.

– The correlation between government security management and FDI.


The dialogue resulted in significant recommendations, including a commitment to addressing gender inequality in senior management positions within the banking sector. The discussions underscored the need for strategic solutions to bolster economic development, attract FDI, and improve overall economic conditions in Nigeria.

The Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s 2012 policy dialogue highlighted the importance of expert-led discussions in shaping effective economic policies and fostering sustainable development in Nigeria.

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