2015 Impact Summary

Humanitarian Support, International Collaborations, and Empowering Women

The year 2015 was marked by diverse initiatives from the Murtala Muhammed Foundation, ranging from humanitarian assistance to international collaborations and efforts to empower women. Here are the key highlights from this impactful year:

  1. Relief Christmas Program for the Chibok Community:

    • The foundation continued its commitment to supporting communities in need by organizing a Relief Christmas Program for the Chibok community. This initiative aimed to provide relief assistance to a community that had faced significant challenges.
  2. Women in Development Exchange Namibia Visit:

    • Building on international collaborations, the foundation hosted a visit from Women in Development Exchange Namibia. Such exchanges likely involved discussions on women’s empowerment, development strategies, and the sharing of experiences.
  3. Collaboration with the National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Ikoyi Obalende:

    • The foundation collaborated with the National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Ikoyi Obalende. This partnership might have focused on cultural preservation, heritage, and community development.
  4. Women in Development Enterprise Across Africa:

    • The foundation continued its efforts to empower women through the Women in Development Enterprise Across Africa initiative. This program likely aimed to enhance economic opportunities and leadership roles for women.
  5. 4-Day Training Program for Lay Counselors in Kano:

    • Recognizing the importance of mental health support, the foundation conducted a 4-day training program for Lay Counselors in Kano. This initiative addressed the need for trained professionals to provide counseling services in the community.
  6. 1st Anniversary Commemoration of the Chibok Girls:

    • The foundation observed the 1st anniversary of the Chibok Girls, emphasizing the ongoing commitment to remembering and advocating for the release of the abducted schoolgirls.
  7. Cherie Blair Get Together:

    • The foundation hosted a “Get Together” event with Cherie Blair, the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Such events likely facilitated discussions on global issues, women’s rights, and collaboration for positive change.
  8. ICT Training at S.S.H.S Ikeja:

    • The foundation continued its focus on educational empowerment by conducting ICT training at S.S.H.S (Senior Secondary High School) Ikeja. This initiative aimed to equip students with essential digital skills.

The activities in 2015 showcased the Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s commitment to humanitarian causes, international collaboration, women’s empowerment, mental health support, and educational initiatives. As we continue to explore the foundation’s journey, stay tuned for more insights into subsequent years and their contributions to positive change in Nigeria and Africa.

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