9 Feb

2022 Impact Summary

Home News 2022 – Impact Summary 2022 Impact Summary The Cherie Blair Mentorship Progress Interview The Cherie Blair Mentorship Programme: Women in Business. Commemorating the International Women’s Day with the Theme “ BREAK THE BIAS” Art Education Project (Healing through Art) A Project aimed at managing ‘Post – Traumatic Disorder. MMF Community Relief Centre The Annual Lecture The Community Relief Centre is a project aimed at further expand support for the Chibok Community by building. Vocational Training Centre ICT Centre Recreational/Relaxation Centre Water in the Community 2022 Annual Lecture: The 46th Anniversary Memorial Lecture of Late Gen. Murtala Muhammed with the Theme: “BEYOND BOKO HARAM: ADDRESSING INSURGENCY, BANDITRTY, AND KIDNAPPING ACROSS NIGERIA” The Lecture had DR. KAYODE FAYEMI, CON, Executive Governor of Ekiti State as the Keynote Speaker. The Lecture was held on 21st Feb. 2022 at the Shehu Musa Yar’Adua Centre, Abuja. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


9 Feb

2019 Impact Summary

Home News 2019 – Impact Summary 2019 Impact Summary The Cherie Blair Mentorship Program application The 5th Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) Global Action Campaign Commemorating the 2000 days of the Chibok Girls in captivity.   The Annual Lecture. The year 2019 started with the opening of the Cherie Blair Mentorship Program application. The 2019 Memorial Lecture of the Late Gen. Murtala Muhammed with the Theme “ TOWARD CREDIBLE, PEACEFUL, AND PARTICIPATORY ELECTIONS – MOVING NIGERIAN DEMOCRACY FORWARD”.  The Memorial Lecture featured ‘ DR. MOHAMMED IBN CHAMBAS’  Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nation Office for West Africa and the Sahel. The Lecture was held on February 14th 2019 at the ECOWAS Secretariat Centre, Abuja Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


9 Feb

2018 Impact Summary

Home News 2018 – Impact Summary 2018 Impact Summary 4th year anniversary of the Chibok Girls and 2018 WID. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


29 May

2017 Impact Summary

Home News 2017 – Impact Summary 2017 Impact Summary Humanitarian Outreach, Widow’s Support, Commemorations, and Thought Leadership The year 2017 for the Murtala Muhammed Foundation was marked by diverse initiatives, ranging from humanitarian outreach and widow’s support to commemorations and thought leadership. Here are the key highlights from this impactful year: CNN Freedom Day – Medical Outreach in Oliza Methodist Primary School: The foundation participated in CNN Freedom Day, likely focusing on raising awareness about issues related to freedom, human rights, and social justice. A medical outreach at Oliza Methodist Primary School showcased the foundation’s commitment to healthcare in the community. CAC Widow’s Gift: The foundation extended support to widows through the CAC (Corporate Affairs Commission) Widow’s Gift initiative. This effort likely involved providing gifts and assistance to widows, acknowledging the challenges they face. 41st Anniversary of Murtala Muhammed: The 41st anniversary of the late General Murtala Muhammed was commemorated, honoring his legacy and contributions to Nigeria. Such events serve as a moment of reflection on the ideals and values espoused by the late leader. Acknowledgment of the 3rd Anniversary of the Abduction of the Chibok Girls: The foundation acknowledged the 3rd anniversary of the abduction of the Chibok Girls. This recognition likely involved activities aimed at raising awareness, advocating for their release, and commemorating the challenges faced by the affected families. 2017 Murtala Muhammed Memorial Lecture: The foundation continued its tradition of hosting the Murtala Muhammed Memorial Lecture. This thought leadership event likely featured distinguished speakers engaging in critical discussions on key issues facing Nigeria and Africa, in alignment with the late General Murtala Muhammed’s legacy. The activities in 2017 showcased the Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s commitment to humanitarian causes, support for vulnerable groups, commemoration of significant events, and thought leadership through the memorial lecture. These initiatives reflected the foundation’s dedication to positive change, social justice, and honouring the legacy of General Murtala Muhammed. As we continue to explore the foundation’s journey, stay tuned for more insights into subsequent years and their contributions to positive change in Nigeria and Africa. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


6 May

2016 Impact Summary

Home News 2016 – Impact Summary 2016 Impact Summary Advancing Technology, Empowering Women, Commemorations, and Community Support The year 2016 for the Murtala Muhammed Foundation was characterized by a diverse range of initiatives, from technological advancements to empowering women and commemorating significant events. Here are the key highlights from this dynamic year: AWANGO Distribution and Training: The foundation continued its commitment to technological empowerment with the distribution and training associated with AWANGO. AWANGO likely refers to solar solutions, reflecting the foundation’s focus on sustainable and clean energy technologies. Women in Development Enterprise Across Africa: The foundation persisted in its efforts to empower women through the Women in Development Enterprise Across Africa initiative. This ongoing program likely included various activities aimed at enhancing the economic and social standing of women. Murtala Muhammed 40th Memorial Lecture: A significant milestone was marked with the 40th Memorial Lecture in honor of General Murtala Muhammed. This annual lecture series likely provided a platform for insightful discussions on key issues facing Nigeria and Africa. 2nd Anniversary Commemoration of the Chibok Girls: The foundation observed the 2nd anniversary of the abduction of the Chibok Girls, continuing its advocacy for their release and commemorating the ongoing struggle for their freedom. Lagos State Equality Opportunity March: The foundation participated in the Lagos State Equality Opportunity March, emphasizing the importance of equal opportunities and advocating for inclusivity. Donation of Sewing Machines at Dorayo Rehabilitation: The foundation contributed to vocational training and rehabilitation by donating sewing machines at Dorayo Rehabilitation. This initiative likely aimed to provide skills and economic opportunities for individuals undergoing rehabilitation. Youth Seminar: A Youth Seminar was likely organized, focusing on engaging and empowering young individuals through discussions, workshops, and skill-building activities. Solar Technology Marketing with Total Nigeria: The foundation engaged in solar technology marketing with Total Nigeria, indicating collaborative efforts to promote and market sustainable energy solutions. Relief Donation to Chibok Community: The foundation continued its support for the Chibok community with a relief donation. This ongoing commitment demonstrated solidarity and assistance to a community that faced challenges. The activities in 2016 highlighted the foundation’s dedication to technological innovation, women’s empowerment, educational initiatives, and its ongoing commitment to advocacy and support for communities in need. As we continue to explore the foundation’s journey, stay tuned for more insights into subsequent years and their contributions to positive change in Nigeria and Africa. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


15 May

2015 Impact Summary

Home News 2015 – Impact Summary 2015 Impact Summary Humanitarian Support, International Collaborations, and Empowering Women The year 2015 was marked by diverse initiatives from the Murtala Muhammed Foundation, ranging from humanitarian assistance to international collaborations and efforts to empower women. Here are the key highlights from this impactful year: Relief Christmas Program for the Chibok Community: The foundation continued its commitment to supporting communities in need by organizing a Relief Christmas Program for the Chibok community. This initiative aimed to provide relief assistance to a community that had faced significant challenges. Women in Development Exchange Namibia Visit: Building on international collaborations, the foundation hosted a visit from Women in Development Exchange Namibia. Such exchanges likely involved discussions on women’s empowerment, development strategies, and the sharing of experiences. Collaboration with the National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Ikoyi Obalende: The foundation collaborated with the National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Ikoyi Obalende. This partnership might have focused on cultural preservation, heritage, and community development. Women in Development Enterprise Across Africa: The foundation continued its efforts to empower women through the Women in Development Enterprise Across Africa initiative. This program likely aimed to enhance economic opportunities and leadership roles for women. 4-Day Training Program for Lay Counselors in Kano: Recognizing the importance of mental health support, the foundation conducted a 4-day training program for Lay Counselors in Kano. This initiative addressed the need for trained professionals to provide counseling services in the community. 1st Anniversary Commemoration of the Chibok Girls: The foundation observed the 1st anniversary of the Chibok Girls, emphasizing the ongoing commitment to remembering and advocating for the release of the abducted schoolgirls. Cherie Blair Get Together: The foundation hosted a “Get Together” event with Cherie Blair, the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Such events likely facilitated discussions on global issues, women’s rights, and collaboration for positive change. ICT Training at S.S.H.S Ikeja: The foundation continued its focus on educational empowerment by conducting ICT training at S.S.H.S (Senior Secondary High School) Ikeja. This initiative aimed to equip students with essential digital skills. The activities in 2015 showcased the Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s commitment to humanitarian causes, international collaboration, women’s empowerment, mental health support, and educational initiatives. As we continue to explore the foundation’s journey, stay tuned for more insights into subsequent years and their contributions to positive change in Nigeria and Africa. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


16 May

2014 Impact Summary

Home News 2014 – Impact Summary 2014 Impact Summary Humanitarian Initiatives, Crisis Support, and Educational Empowerment The year 2014 marked a period of comprehensive humanitarian efforts, crisis response, and educational empowerment for the Murtala Muhammed Foundation. Here are the key highlights from this impactful year: Relief Christmas Program for IDPs in Adamawa and Borno States: The foundation organized a Relief Christmas Program, demonstrating its commitment to supporting internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Adamawa and Borno States. The donation of relief materials during the festive season aimed to provide comfort and assistance to those affected by crises. Establishment of Crisis and Trauma Centre in Kano: Responding to the critical need for crisis and trauma support, the foundation established a Crisis and Trauma Centre in Kano. This initiative reflected the foundation’s dedication to addressing the mental health and well-being of individuals affected by crises. One-Day National Programme on Humanitarian Response Mechanism for Nigeria: The foundation organized a one-day national program focused on the Humanitarian Response Mechanism for Nigeria. This likely involved discussions, workshops, and initiatives aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of humanitarian response efforts in the country. NEMA Training: Collaborating with NEMA (National Emergency Management Agency), the foundation participated in training activities. This collaboration likely aimed to improve the preparedness and response capabilities of individuals and organizations involved in emergency management. Commissioning of ICT Lab in Government Model College Badore, Ajah: The foundation continued its commitment to educational empowerment by commissioning an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Lab in Government Model College Badore, Ajah. This initiative aimed to provide students with access to modern technology and digital resources. Installation of Inverters in GDSS Suntai, Taraba: In an effort to improve infrastructure in educational institutions, the foundation installed inverters in GDSS (Government Day Secondary School) Suntai, Taraba. This likely contributed to ensuring a stable power supply for educational activities. Donation of Computers to Various Schools and Centers: The foundation continued its support for education by donating computers to various schools and centers. This initiative emphasized the importance of digital literacy and technology access in enhancing educational outcomes. The activities in 2014 showcased the Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s holistic approach to addressing humanitarian needs, providing crisis support, and empowering individuals through education and technology. As we continue to explore the foundation’s journey, stay tuned for more insights into subsequent years and their contributions to positive change in Nigeria and Africa. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


31 Aug

2013 Impact Summary

Home News 2013 – Impact Summary 2013 Impact Summary International Engagement, and Policy Discourse. The year 2013 for the Murtala Muhammed Foundation featured a mix of international engagement, policy dialogues, and technological advancements. Here are the key highlights from this eventful year: WID-EAA Namibian Women Visit to Nigeria: The Murtala Muhammed Foundation facilitated a visit from WID-EAA (Women in Dialogue), Namibian women. This international engagement involved discussions on women’s issues, and collaborative efforts to promote gender equality and empowerment. Policy Dialogue: Investing in Africa’s Future: The foundation continued its commitment to policy dialogue with a focus on “Investing in Africa’s Future.” This initiative indicated a strategic effort to address key issues related to investment, development, and the continent’s future trajectory. Zubabox Launch in Akure: A significant technological milestone was achieved with the launch of Zubabox in Akure. Zubabox, often associated with computer centers powered by solar energy, demonstrated the foundation’s commitment to providing sustainable technology solutions and enhancing digital access in communities. Pre-Conference Dinner in August: A pre-conference dinner held in August likely served as a preparatory event for upcoming conferences or dialogues. These gatherings often provide an opportunity for networking, discussions, and setting the stage for the main conference agenda. The activities in 2013 showcased the Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s dedication to diverse areas, including international collaboration, policy engagement, technological innovation, and community development. The launch of Zubabox, in particular, reflected the foundation’s commitment to leveraging technology for positive social impact. As we continue to explore the foundation’s journey, stay tuned for more insights into subsequent years and their contributions to positive change in Nigeria and Africa. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


8 Mar

2012 Impact Summary

Home News 2012 – Impact Summary 2012 Impact Summary Responding to Crises, Shaping Policies, and Continuing Educational Support The year 2012 marked a period of active response to crises, strategic policy discussions, and ongoing efforts to enhance education for the Murtala Muhammed Foundation. Here are the key highlights from this eventful year: Assistance to Victims of the Bomb Blast in Kano: The foundation demonstrated its commitment to humanitarian efforts by providing assistance to victims of a bomb blast in Kano. This initiative highlighted the foundation’s responsiveness to crises and its dedication to supporting communities affected by tragic events. Public Policy and Governance, 2011 and Beyond: Roadmap for Change and Nigeria’s Economic Development: Building on its earlier policy dialogue, the foundation continued its engagement in public policy and governance discussions. The focus on “Roadmap for Change and Nigeria’s Economic Development” indicated a strategic effort to contribute to shaping policies that could drive positive change and economic growth. Expansion of Computer for Schools Initiative: The Computer for Schools initiative expanded further in 2012, reaching various schools. This ongoing commitment to providing schools with access to technology emphasized the foundation’s belief in the transformative power of education and digital literacy. NEMA Visit to the Dana Air Plane Crash Site: The foundation actively participated in crisis response by visiting the site of the Dana Air plane crash with NEMA (National Emergency Management Agency). This engagement likely involved assessing the situation, providing support, and contributing to relief efforts for the victims and affected communities. The activities in 2012 reflected the Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s multifaceted approach, encompassing both crisis response and strategic engagement in policy discussions. The ongoing commitment to educational initiatives, including the Computer for Schools program, showcased the foundation’s belief in the transformative power of education as a catalyst for positive change. As we continue to explore the foundation’s journey, stay tuned for more insights into subsequent years and their contributions to positive change in Nigeria and Africa. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024


10 Mar

2011 Impact Summary

Home News 2010 – Impact Summary 2011 Impact Summary Policy Dialogues, Memorial Lectures, and Expanding Educational Initiatives The year 2011 marked a period of active engagement in public policy, governance, and educational initiatives for the Murtala Muhammed Foundation. Here are the key highlights from this dynamic year: Public Policy and Governance: 2011 and Beyond Policy Dialogue with Presidential Candidates: The foundation organized a policy dialogue, titled “Public Policy and Governance: 2011 and Beyond,” engaging with presidential candidates. This initiative reflected the foundation’s commitment to fostering discussions on critical issues related to governance and public policy, particularly during a significant electoral period. Memorial Lecture: The memorial lecture held in 2011 served as a platform to reflect on the legacy of General Murtala Muhammed. Such events not only honor the memory of the late leader but also provide an opportunity for insightful discussions on issues relevant to the foundation’s mission and goals. Partnership with TYDF to Donate Computers to Schools in Edo State: Collaborating with TYDF (The Tony Elumelu Foundation), the Murtala Muhammed Foundation extended its support to education by donating computers to five schools in Edo State. This partnership demonstrated the power of collective efforts in advancing educational infrastructure. Inception of Computer for Schools in Various States: The foundation expanded its reach with the inception of the Computer for Schools initiative in various schools across different states. This program aimed to bridge the digital gap in education, providing students with access to technology and promoting digital literacy. The activities in 2011 showcased the Murtala Muhammed Foundation’s active role in shaping public policy discussions, honoring its founder through memorial events, and collaborating with other organizations to enhance educational opportunities. The ongoing commitment to the Computer for Schools initiative further underscored the foundation’s dedication to advancing education and empowering the younger generation with essential skills. As we delve deeper into the foundation’s journey, stay tuned for more insights into subsequent years and their contributions to positive change in Nigeria and Africa. Recent Posts First two Chibok schoolgirls graduate from US colleges 10 years after mass abductions in Nigeria May 30, 2024 2017 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 2016 Women Power Lunch May 20, 2024 January 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024 February 2024 Newsletter May 13, 2024

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